Food Canning Basics for the Homestead
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Food Canning Basics for the Homestead

A large part of gardening and homesteading, is figuring out how to preserve all the food harvested from the garden to then be enjoyed all year round. One of the ways to preserve food is canning it. Are you new to the idea of canning and preserving? Are you interested in learning the very basics…

How To Easily Make Herb Infused Honey at Home
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How To Easily Make Herb Infused Honey at Home

If you have been using herbal remedies and natural medicine at all, then you already know the power of using honey for many of your health needs. Honey is a superfood that can also be used in daily beauty routines, to reduce skin issues, and many other applications. What you may not know is that…

4 Tips on Planning a Productive and Practical Potager
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4 Tips on Planning a Productive and Practical Potager

A well-planned potager, or kitchen garden, can be a beautiful and enticing way to incorporate more fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs into your diet. The following tips will help you plan a productive and practical potatger. Tip #1: Pick the Perfect Spot for your Potager. When choosing a location for your kitchen garden, try to…

4 Things to Think About Before Placing Your Chicken Coop
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4 Things to Think About Before Placing Your Chicken Coop

Where to Place a Chicken Coop Raising chickens can be a fun and rewarding experience, but before you get sucked in by some cute little yellow balls of fluff, you should first decide on a style of coop and most importantly, where to place a chicken coop. The chicken coop is going to be shelter…

8 Ideas to Make Your Homestead More Sustainable
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8 Ideas to Make Your Homestead More Sustainable

You recycle. You buy organic foods whenever possible and you try to combine your errands so you don’t use too much fuel. Maybe you carpool to work and occasionally buy and sell from consignment stores. Becoming more sustainable on your homestead is on your radar. You want to be a responsible citizen that takes care…

Food Storage and Safety at Home
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Food Storage and Safety at Home

When it comes to keeping your family happy and healthy, cooking meals from scratch is a great way to accomplish that. But cooking from scratch doesn’t just include preparing meals at home. There are some safety rules that you need to be aware of as you cook, as well as when you store your foods….

How To Grow Great Tomato Plants From Seeds
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How To Grow Great Tomato Plants From Seeds

The decision to grow tomatoes from seed is kind of a personal one. Many home tomato gardeners prefer to simply purchase plants to transplant directly into their yard, garden or containers. Others are a bit more adventurous and prefer the more hands-on process of growing tomatoes from seed. Of course, this is a much more…

Tips For Starting Your Garden With Seeds
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Tips For Starting Your Garden With Seeds

Yes, you can skip this “seed” step entirely and purchase seedlings from your local nursery. However, this does not give you the option to start your own seeds from vegetables that you have harvested the previous year. A garden is self-sustaining, and if you want to take advantage of this, you will need to start…

10 Best Homesteading, Farming and Gardening Books for Beginners
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10 Best Homesteading, Farming and Gardening Books for Beginners

Wouldn’t it be great if you had a library of wonderful references in your home? Therefore when the power goes out and something on the homestead doesn’t go according to plan, you have some information to help you out? Whether you are a beginner homesteader or you have a few years’ experience under your belt, these…

Health Benefits of Working in Your Homestead Garden
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Health Benefits of Working in Your Homestead Garden

Spring is in the air. And when spring is on the horizon, many of us are aching to get out and plant a garden. In the interim, there are a lot of garden shows and seeds that we can buy to plan our ultimate garden outside. Spring is such a hopeful time of year. But…