Storing the Harvest: Best Ways To Preserve Food
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Storing the Harvest: Best Ways To Preserve Food

Imagine this, you have a harvest of a bumper crop of certain fruits and vegetables in your homestead garden or someone has shared their bumper crop or you’ve made a trip to the local farmer’s market or fruit stand. The question becomes, how to preserve all that food? Here are some of the best ideas…

Food Canning Basics for the Homestead
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Food Canning Basics for the Homestead

A large part of gardening and homesteading, is figuring out how to preserve all the food harvested from the garden to then be enjoyed all year round. One of the ways to preserve food is canning it. Are you new to the idea of canning and preserving? Are you interested in learning the very basics…

3 Common Food Canning Mistakes to Avoid
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3 Common Food Canning Mistakes to Avoid

When you get into canning your own food, it can be a little overwhelming. You’ve made the decision to preserve your own food. You understand the benefits of using up your produce and having unprocessed foods at the ready, but there is a lot to think about and learn in the beginning. Before you get…

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Top 10 Favorite Resources from the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle 2020

These are my top 10 favorite resources from the bundle but there are so many amazing products it was really hard to narrow it down to just the 10 best. Quick Start Guide to Water Bath Canning (ebook) Learn to water bath can jam, jelly, pie filling, salsa, pickles, and more! Garden Harvest Recipes: A…