8 Ideas to Make Your Homestead More Sustainable
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8 Ideas to Make Your Homestead More Sustainable

You recycle. You buy organic foods whenever possible and you try to combine your errands so you don’t use too much fuel. Maybe you carpool to work and occasionally buy and sell from consignment stores. Becoming more sustainable on your homestead is on your radar. You want to be a responsible citizen that takes care…

Easy Ways to Make An Eco Friendly Homestead
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Easy Ways to Make An Eco Friendly Homestead

I know we all want to do our part to protect the environment, but when you don’t have a large income that can be seem difficult, if not impossible. But doing your part doesn’t have to be hard. Small steps add up to a big difference, you just have to know which ones to take….

What Are the Best Soil Amendments to Improve the Quality and Yield of Your Tomatoes? 
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What Are the Best Soil Amendments to Improve the Quality and Yield of Your Tomatoes? 

If you are going to invest the time, money and energy to grow tomatoes, you’ll want to achieve the best possible results for your efforts. When you start researching how to achieve this, you will no doubt come across the topic of soil amendments. Best Soil Amendments for Growing Tomatoes Learning how to properly amend…

What is Lasagna Style Gardening?
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What is Lasagna Style Gardening?

If you are new to gardening, you might not be familiar yet with techniques like tilling the ground and digging for certain types of drainage. In this case, if you are new to gardening,  a good method to use is called lasagna style gardening. This type of gardening is also sometimes called layer gardening. Here…

Why Are Earthworms Good For My Garden?
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Why Are Earthworms Good For My Garden?

Notice the lowly earthworm, squirming away, going about its everyday business. Simple creatures you may think but they have quite a important use in the garden. Did you know the earthworms are nature’s first gardeners? They don’t exist just for kids to eat and fishermen to use as bait 🙂 Some Basic Earthworm Facts Earthworms…

8 Ways to have a Zero Waste Easter Party
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8 Ways to have a Zero Waste Easter Party

Easter and spring is a time of celebration and renewal. And since Easter is so close to Earth Day, it’s also a great time to embrace earth friendly practices. If you’re throwing an Easter party, you can make it a green one by having a zero waste party. Here’s how. #1 eVites. Invitations can be…

How to Find Free Mulch For Your Garden
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How to Find Free Mulch For Your Garden

I’m pretty sure that if you are reading this, you have used some form of mulch during your gardening experience. However, maybe you didn’t know that there are many options for free mulch for your homestead garden that you can explore. These days, many gardeners are discovering new sources of free mulch that have been…

A Beginners Guide to Composting in Your Backyard
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A Beginners Guide to Composting in Your Backyard

Composting your kitchen and garden waste is a great way to reduce the amount of waste you dispose of in your garbage bin. By composting your own waste in your backyard, you can accomplish two great outcomes. You can generate a free source of rich compost to help improve your garden, and you can also…

7 Factors Needed for a Good Compost Pile
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7 Factors Needed for a Good Compost Pile

Compost is made from a mix of decomposed grass clippings, kitchen and garden waste, leaves, twigs, and branches, which becomes a dark, crumbly mixture of organic matter. In this post you will learn how composting works. Even a newbie to composting can make good quality compost. It can be compared to cooking as art or…