Why Should You Grow Your Own Food?
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Why Should You Grow Your Own Food?

You may have been wondering if growing your own food is worth the effort. The short answer is yes. In fact, growing your own food can provide a fairly simple solution to many of the health and economic problems you may face. Whether you are imagining a small balcony garden with lots of pots to…

Planning To Save Money on Your Grocery Bill? Buy Food or Grow in Bulk and Freeze It!
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Planning To Save Money on Your Grocery Bill? Buy Food or Grow in Bulk and Freeze It!

With the way food prices are skyrocketing right now, I know we are looking at ways to keep the food budget at a reasonable level and one of the best ways to do this is to either buy or grow food in bulk and freeze the excess. With a few teenagers in our house right…

3 Common Food Canning Mistakes to Avoid
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3 Common Food Canning Mistakes to Avoid

When you get into canning your own food, it can be a little overwhelming. You’ve made the decision to preserve your own food. You understand the benefits of using up your produce and having unprocessed foods at the ready, but there is a lot to think about and learn in the beginning. Before you get…

The Best Ways to Transport Food to Reunions, Potlucks and Social Gatherings
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The Best Ways to Transport Food to Reunions, Potlucks and Social Gatherings

Does your family get together for reunions each year? We have one reunion every year and this year we have two! A big part of reunions is, of course, food and you may be concerned about how to transport food to reunions, potlucks or other social gatherings and keep them safe for everyone to eat….