Storing the Harvest: Best Ways To Preserve Food
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Storing the Harvest: Best Ways To Preserve Food

Imagine this, you have a harvest of a bumper crop of certain fruits and vegetables in your homestead garden or someone has shared their bumper crop or you’ve made a trip to the local farmer’s market or fruit stand. The question becomes, how to preserve all that food? Here are some of the best ideas…

Ways of Storing Fresh Herbs from Your Garden
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Ways of Storing Fresh Herbs from Your Garden

Do you have an herb garden on your homestead? Maybe you like the taste of fresh herbs in your food all year round. Here are some tips for storing fresh herbs to be used later. Herbs are one way to season your food and add flavor without adding salt. You can bring out the natural…

Planning To Save Money on Your Grocery Bill? Buy Food or Grow in Bulk and Freeze It!
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Planning To Save Money on Your Grocery Bill? Buy Food or Grow in Bulk and Freeze It!

With the way food prices are skyrocketing right now, I know we are looking at ways to keep the food budget at a reasonable level and one of the best ways to do this is to either buy or grow food in bulk and freeze the excess. With a few teenagers in our house right…

My First Attempt at Freezer Cooking
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My First Attempt at Freezer Cooking

This post contains affiliate links. This past month I tried out freezer cooking. You may be asking, “What is freezer cooking?”  Well, it is making a bunch of meals at one time in order to freeze them for a later date when you are too busy to cook. I should say for me it means…