Non-Toxic Ways to Spring Clean
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Non-Toxic Ways to Spring Clean

Spring is a time when we clean our homes in depth. We get such a great feeling when the clutter and cobwebs are gone. However, many cleaning products are full of chemicals which are often both unnecessary and toxic. If you are looking for a healthy way to get your home in good shape without…

How to Keep your Food Pantry Organized
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How to Keep your Food Pantry Organized

When you open the door of your food pantry and kitchen cabinets, what do you see? Can you locate what you need or do you have to lift and shift things first? Today we are going to share with you a few valuable tips when it comes to organizing your food pantry. “I have all…

Nature-Inspired Spring Decorating Ideas for Your Homestead
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Nature-Inspired Spring Decorating Ideas for Your Homestead

Nature provides some amazing spring decorating options doesn’t it? And if you’re environmentally conscious or simply inspired by the outdoors (especially when it is supposed to be spring and there’s still a foot of snow on the ground! Anyone else feel my pain?!) there’s nothing better than bringing a bit of it indoors. I mean,…

Warm and Toasty Classic Cinnamon Buns
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Warm and Toasty Classic Cinnamon Buns

Warm and spicey and gooey, right out of the oven. Is there anything better for a wintertime treat than classic homemade cinnamon buns? Mmmmm makes my mouth water just thinking about them. They take a bit of time and effort so I like to make them on a weekend day when we aren’t busy so…

When you feel like a Failure as a Homesteader
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When you feel like a Failure as a Homesteader

Failure is such a harsh word, isn’t it? But, sometimes it feels like we are failures at this whole homesteading thing. Just this past year we have struggled with: A garden that was, shall we say, severely lacking in real vegetable growth. Losing most of our outdoor animals. We lost our ducks and then most…

Smart Ways of Using Aromatherapy Essential Oils in Your Home
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Smart Ways of Using Aromatherapy Essential Oils in Your Home

Aromatherapy oils are oils that are created from natural elements. They’re also called essential oils. They range from lavender to grapefruit and everything in between. Aromatherapy or essential oils offer a number of therapeutic benefits, cleaning help and even health benefits.  Here Are Nine Smart Ways of Using Aromatherapy Oils in Your Home #1 Water…

Simple, Frugal and Easy Holiday Homestead Decorating Ideas
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Simple, Frugal and Easy Holiday Homestead Decorating Ideas

Decorating for the holidays is one of my favourite times of the year and often one of events people most look forward to. There’s just something special about the twinkling lights, the smell of pine in the air and the festivity. If you’re tired of fancy decorations or want to take your holiday decorating in…

Easy Cheesy Rustic Ranchero Potatoes
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Easy Cheesy Rustic Ranchero Potatoes

Does your family eat a lot of potatoes? Are you tired of the usual mashed and baked and scalloped and are looking for something a little different, maybe something a little cheesy, with a little pizzaz, a little oomf? My family eats a lot of potato dishes partly because they are so economical and partly…

Essential oils ~ Tips on Starting your Essential Oils Collection
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Essential oils ~ Tips on Starting your Essential Oils Collection

There are many many different types, brands and certainly scents of essential oils, but where do you start? I have slowly built up my collection of useful essential oils in my homestead apothecary and here are some tips for you to start your own.  If you are wondering “What are Essential Oils and how can…

What are Essential Oils and how can I use them around the homestead?
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What are Essential Oils and how can I use them around the homestead?

Maybe you have heard the term “essential oils” but didn’t know what was meant by it. Perhaps you had a vague idea that it was connected in some way with aromatherapy, but didn’t know how. Now is as good a time as any to learn what essential oils are. What Are Essential Oils? Essential oils…