Storing the Harvest: Best Ways To Preserve Food
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Storing the Harvest: Best Ways To Preserve Food

Imagine this, you have a harvest of a bumper crop of certain fruits and vegetables in your homestead garden or someone has shared their bumper crop or you’ve made a trip to the local farmer’s market or fruit stand. The question becomes, how to preserve all that food? Here are some of the best ideas…

How To Easily Make Herb Infused Honey at Home
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How To Easily Make Herb Infused Honey at Home

If you have been using herbal remedies and natural medicine at all, then you already know the power of using honey for many of your health needs. Honey is a superfood that can also be used in daily beauty routines, to reduce skin issues, and many other applications. What you may not know is that…

What Seeds We Are Planning on Planting in 2024
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What Seeds We Are Planning on Planting in 2024

Are you ready for a new season of gardening but you need some seed company recommendations? Maybe this is your first time ever gardening and you want to know what we are growing in 2024, so you know where to start? In this article I am sharing with you the top three seed companies I…

4 Tips on Planning a Productive and Practical Potager
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4 Tips on Planning a Productive and Practical Potager

A well-planned potager, or kitchen garden, can be a beautiful and enticing way to incorporate more fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs into your diet. The following tips will help you plan a productive and practical potatger. Tip #1: Pick the Perfect Spot for your Potager. When choosing a location for your kitchen garden, try to…

4 Things to Think About Before Placing Your Chicken Coop
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4 Things to Think About Before Placing Your Chicken Coop

Where to Place a Chicken Coop Raising chickens can be a fun and rewarding experience, but before you get sucked in by some cute little yellow balls of fluff, you should first decide on a style of coop and most importantly, where to place a chicken coop. The chicken coop is going to be shelter…

5 Great Tips for How to Save Money By Cooking at Home
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5 Great Tips for How to Save Money By Cooking at Home

Cooking at home is a great way to save money and know exactly what ingredient goes in each meal you eat. But if you are struggling with affording each ingredient, it can be very frustrating. Here are some tips for saving money while also cooking all your meals from home. Buy What You Need If…

Homestead Hygge in the Fall
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Homestead Hygge in the Fall

Whether you have been hearing the word “hygge” with no idea of what it means, or you simply want to learn how to live a more simple and positive life, starting to practice hygge in the fall season is perfect. Hygge is pronounced like hoo-gah. This is a practice that originated in Denmark, as Danish…

8 Ideas to Make Your Homestead More Sustainable
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8 Ideas to Make Your Homestead More Sustainable

You recycle. You buy organic foods whenever possible and you try to combine your errands so you don’t use too much fuel. Maybe you carpool to work and occasionally buy and sell from consignment stores. Becoming more sustainable on your homestead is on your radar. You want to be a responsible citizen that takes care…

Why Should You Grow Your Own Food?
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Why Should You Grow Your Own Food?

You may have been wondering if growing your own food is worth the effort. The short answer is yes. In fact, growing your own food can provide a fairly simple solution to many of the health and economic problems you may face. Whether you are imagining a small balcony garden with lots of pots to…

How To Grow Great Tomato Plants From Seeds
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How To Grow Great Tomato Plants From Seeds

The decision to grow tomatoes from seed is kind of a personal one. Many home tomato gardeners prefer to simply purchase plants to transplant directly into their yard, garden or containers. Others are a bit more adventurous and prefer the more hands-on process of growing tomatoes from seed. Of course, this is a much more…