8 Ideas to Make Your Homestead More Sustainable
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8 Ideas to Make Your Homestead More Sustainable

You recycle. You buy organic foods whenever possible and you try to combine your errands so you don’t use too much fuel. Maybe you carpool to work and occasionally buy and sell from consignment stores. Becoming more sustainable on your homestead is on your radar. You want to be a responsible citizen that takes care…

10 Myths and Misconceptions about Homesteading
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10 Myths and Misconceptions about Homesteading

So, you are thinking about homesteading, but haven’t quite taken the plunge yet. You might be stuck worrying about some very common myths and misconceptions that float around. Well, I am here today to debunk them for you and I hope to make you even more inspired to homestead. Here are the 10 Most Common…

Easy Ways to Make An Eco Friendly Homestead
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Easy Ways to Make An Eco Friendly Homestead

I know we all want to do our part to protect the environment, but when you don’t have a large income that can be seem difficult, if not impossible. But doing your part doesn’t have to be hard. Small steps add up to a big difference, you just have to know which ones to take….