12 Quick and Easy Ideas to Create a Festive Mood on the Homestead
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12 Quick and Easy Ideas to Create a Festive Mood on the Homestead

Quick and Easy Ideas that Create a Festive Mood Want to decorate your home but don’t have a lot of time, energy or money? Here are some quick and easy ways to create a festive mood. 1. Grab a few candles, place them in the center of your table and light them. The twinkling adds…

9 Tips for Eating Healthy Through the Holidays
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9 Tips for Eating Healthy Through the Holidays

It’s true, the words healthy and holidays don’t always go together. While most people do indulge a little, it’s not necessary to go off the deep end to have a great time this holiday season. To keep your waistline from expanding to Santa-proportions, use these tips to keep you on track throughout the holidays. It…

The Best Ways to Transport Food to Reunions, Potlucks and Social Gatherings
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The Best Ways to Transport Food to Reunions, Potlucks and Social Gatherings

Does your family get together for reunions each year? We have one reunion every year and this year we have two! A big part of reunions is, of course, food and you may be concerned about how to transport food to reunions, potlucks or other social gatherings and keep them safe for everyone to eat….

Summer Celebrations Food Safety Tips
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Summer Celebrations Food Safety Tips

Each year millions of people celebrate during the summer months. Kicking it off with Canada Day (July 1st) and Independence Day (July 4th) there are also weddings, family reunions, potlucks, birthday parties etc etc. Unfortunately, many people end up sick during the celebrations because food was not handled or stored properly. These food safety tips…

5 Easy ways to Teach your kids about the Importance of Earth Day
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5 Easy ways to Teach your kids about the Importance of Earth Day

Earth day is an opportunity to educate and also to reflect on what we as humans are doing to take care of our dear planet. It provides a very unique chance to share with your children your appreciation for the earth. In fact, with a few simple lessons or experiences you can help your children…

How to Dye your Easter Eggs Naturally
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How to Dye your Easter Eggs Naturally

Easter egg dying is a tradition in many households. It’s a fun and creative craft that the whole family can enjoy. And depending on how you cook your eggs, they can be enjoyed for days as both a decoration and a snack. Instead of using artificial colors and chemical dyes this year for your Easter…

Simple Outdoor Family Fun Around The Homestead this Christmas
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Simple Outdoor Family Fun Around The Homestead this Christmas

During the winter it’s easy to hole up inside like a bear hibernating (especially when you live in Canada!). However, humans are not bears and there’s a lot of fun to be had outdoors. This Christmas season, take your family outdoors, get some sunshine, and have some good old-fashioned family fun. Here are five ways…