3 ways to have fun with Essential Oils
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3 ways to have fun with Essential Oils

Having Fun with Essential Oils There has been a growing trend in the use of essential oils. The increasing variety of bath products in the health and beauty market gives us an idea of what customers are looking for. No longer are consumers satisfied with synthetic essences, but we are finding that more and more…

Essential oils ~ Tips on Starting your Essential Oils Collection
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Essential oils ~ Tips on Starting your Essential Oils Collection

There are many many different types, brands and certainly scents of essential oils, but where do you start? I have slowly built up my collection of useful essential oils in my homestead apothecary and here are some tips for you to start your own.  If you are wondering “What are Essential Oils and how can…

What are Essential Oils and how can I use them around the homestead?
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What are Essential Oils and how can I use them around the homestead?

Maybe you have heard the term “essential oils” but didn’t know what was meant by it. Perhaps you had a vague idea that it was connected in some way with aromatherapy, but didn’t know how. Now is as good a time as any to learn what essential oils are. What Are Essential Oils? Essential oils…