Smart Ways of Using Aromatherapy Essential Oils in Your Home
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Smart Ways of Using Aromatherapy Essential Oils in Your Home

Aromatherapy oils are oils that are created from natural elements. They’re also called essential oils. They range from lavender to grapefruit and everything in between. Aromatherapy or essential oils offer a number of therapeutic benefits, cleaning help and even health benefits.  Here Are Nine Smart Ways of Using Aromatherapy Oils in Your Home #1 Water…

Simple Outdoor Family Fun Around The Homestead this Christmas
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Simple Outdoor Family Fun Around The Homestead this Christmas

During the winter it’s easy to hole up inside like a bear hibernating (especially when you live in Canada!). However, humans are not bears and there’s a lot of fun to be had outdoors. This Christmas season, take your family outdoors, get some sunshine, and have some good old-fashioned family fun. Here are five ways…

Simple, Frugal and Easy Holiday Homestead Decorating Ideas
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Simple, Frugal and Easy Holiday Homestead Decorating Ideas

Decorating for the holidays is one of my favourite times of the year and often one of events people most look forward to. There’s just something special about the twinkling lights, the smell of pine in the air and the festivity. If you’re tired of fancy decorations or want to take your holiday decorating in…

Why Baking is Good For the Soul and 3 Easy Holiday Treats the Whole Family will love!
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Why Baking is Good For the Soul and 3 Easy Holiday Treats the Whole Family will love!

Imagine walking into a home that smells like homemade bread, cookies or cinnamon rolls. The scent envelopes you and makes you feel like a child again. Baking, it is said, is good for the soul. Not only because the aromas and flavors can take you back to childhood, but also because it can help you…

TBB Asks…..And I Answered~November
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TBB Asks…..And I Answered~November

Things I’m Thankful For: 1. A New Friend~ Someone I have known for awhile, who has fairly recently become a friend rather than just an acquaintance. 2. Something Shiny~ All the Christmas lights starting to show up around town. Which means Christmas is coming soon! 3. Someone Unexpected~ My brother, who always shows up unexpectedly…

TBB Asked….And I answered. Fall Edition
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TBB Asked….And I answered. Fall Edition

    1. Favorite Fall Sweet Treat? I’d have to say either apple crisp or pumpkin pie! 2. Red, Yellow, or Green Apples? Red. They are just so versatile. Eat them fresh, good for baking, saucing and drying. 3.Favorite Fall Sport to Play? I don’t play any sports right now, but I enjoy watching my…

Self-Help Tips for Overworked Moms
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Self-Help Tips for Overworked Moms

Moms are notorious for spending all of their energy and attention on the care of others. Add a full or part time job into the equation and it’s easy to get completely exhausted. Yet when you neglect yourself, you’re unable to give your all to others. You lose energy, motivation and enthusiasm. Self-help is important…