Simple Outdoor Family Fun Around The Homestead this Christmas
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Simple Outdoor Family Fun Around The Homestead this Christmas

During the winter it’s easy to hole up inside like a bear hibernating (especially when you live in Canada!). However, humans are not bears and there’s a lot of fun to be had outdoors. This Christmas season, take your family outdoors, get some sunshine, and have some good old-fashioned family fun. Here are five ways…

Teach Important Skills with a Summer Scavenger Hunt
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Teach Important Skills with a Summer Scavenger Hunt

A summer scavenger hunt is not only fun, they’re educational, too! It’s easy to get creative to make up your own, or modify any of these to make it fit for your area and the age of your child. For older ones you will want to make it harder and for younger children make it…

Budget Friendly Backyard Fun and Games for All Ages
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Budget Friendly Backyard Fun and Games for All Ages

Coming up with fun activities to keep your children busy on the homestead during the summer without going broke can be quite a task. You don’t have to stock up on expensive toys or resign yourself to a summer of endless video games, though. There are plenty of fun, outdoor activities you can do around…

Designing Your Garden – What Makes a Good Garden?
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Designing Your Garden – What Makes a Good Garden?

This is a guest post. If you would like to submit your own guest post, click here. Garden design is a very personal thing and is often an expression of your personality. What I like you, you may not and vise versa. Some people like neat and tidy gardens where there are no surprises, others…

World Water Day ~ Tips on Conserving Our World’s Most Valuable Resource Around The Homestead
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World Water Day ~ Tips on Conserving Our World’s Most Valuable Resource Around The Homestead

Our planet’s most precious resource is water. Over 70 percent of our earth’s surface is covered in water with 97.5 percent of that being salt water. Less than 3 percent of the earth’s water is defined as fresh water and only 3/1000 of this is either too deep in the earth to retrieve or locked…

Homesteading Bucket List
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Homesteading Bucket List

Do you have a bucket list? Do you know what a homesteading bucket list is? A bucket list is defined as ” a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime”. Our homesteading bucket list is where I organize homesteading skills I want to learn and homesteading…

Blizzard of 2017 – In Pictures
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Blizzard of 2017 – In Pictures

Whew! What a week! Last week we were hit by a couple of good storms which culminated in our receiving heavy snowfall warnings for a few of the days, one true snow day for our kids’ schools, and another partial snow day because the buses ended up not running at all. Not that my kids…

Life around the Homestead: A Winter Homestead Video Tour
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Life around the Homestead: A Winter Homestead Video Tour

Life around our little homestead has been busy, to say the least! I had planned to share this updated video tour of our homestead awhile ago, but then Christmas and New Years chaos ensued, so the sharing of this tour just didn’t happen until now. I planned to share this updated video tour of our homestead…