8 Ideas to Make Your Homestead More Sustainable
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8 Ideas to Make Your Homestead More Sustainable

You recycle. You buy organic foods whenever possible and you try to combine your errands so you don’t use too much fuel. Maybe you carpool to work and occasionally buy and sell from consignment stores. Becoming more sustainable on your homestead is on your radar. You want to be a responsible citizen that takes care…

12 Ways to Make Deviled Eggs
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12 Ways to Make Deviled Eggs

One of our family’s favorite dishes to make and bring to gatherings is deviled eggs. They are easy, use a homestead staple (thank you chickens!), and are delicious! More often than not we choose to make the classic style but sometimes it is fun to try a change and spice them up a bit. I…

How to Dye your Easter Eggs Naturally
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How to Dye your Easter Eggs Naturally

Easter egg dying is a tradition in many households. It’s a fun and creative craft that the whole family can enjoy. And depending on how you cook your eggs, they can be enjoyed for days as both a decoration and a snack. Instead of using artificial colors and chemical dyes this year for your Easter…

When you feel like a Failure as a Homesteader
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When you feel like a Failure as a Homesteader

Failure is such a harsh word, isn’t it? But, sometimes it feels like we are failures at this whole homesteading thing. Just this past year we have struggled with: A garden that was, shall we say, severely lacking in real vegetable growth. Losing most of our outdoor animals. We lost our ducks and then most…

In the Homestead Garden in June and a 7 week old chick update
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In the Homestead Garden in June and a 7 week old chick update

Hello! Here we are and you want to see my homestead garden! I took these pictures the other day and it was a morning after a couple of days of rain. It was just warming up again (it has been super hot here already!) so there was a lot of moisture in the air making…