8 Ways of Making Use of Excess Cucumbers with Bonus Antioxidant Salad Recipe
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8 Ways of Making Use of Excess Cucumbers with Bonus Antioxidant Salad Recipe

You planted several cucumber plants in your homestead garden, so you could enjoy them in salads and probably to can into a bunch of pickles. But you have more cucumbers than you think you’ll need. What do you do about it? How do you go about making use of excess cucumbers if you don’t want…

9 Unique Ways to Use Extra Tomatoes (with Bonus Goat Cheese Stuffed Tomato Recipe)
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9 Unique Ways to Use Extra Tomatoes (with Bonus Goat Cheese Stuffed Tomato Recipe)

Have you have ever planted a garden and your tomatoes are super prolific? Before you know it, you have an over abundance and you need some new ways to use those extra tomatoes. Maybe you don’t want to can them or you have hit your limit with canning and need something different. Freezing is an…

12 Ways to Make Deviled Eggs
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12 Ways to Make Deviled Eggs

One of our family’s favorite dishes to make and bring to gatherings is deviled eggs. They are easy, use a homestead staple (thank you chickens!), and are delicious! More often than not we choose to make the classic style but sometimes it is fun to try a change and spice them up a bit. I…

Summer Celebrations Food Safety Tips
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Summer Celebrations Food Safety Tips

Each year millions of people celebrate during the summer months. Kicking it off with Canada Day (July 1st) and Independence Day (July 4th) there are also weddings, family reunions, potlucks, birthday parties etc etc. Unfortunately, many people end up sick during the celebrations because food was not handled or stored properly. These food safety tips…

Make-Ahead Food Ideas for Entertaining (bonus Party 5-Bean Salad recipe!)
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Make-Ahead Food Ideas for Entertaining (bonus Party 5-Bean Salad recipe!)

Are you planning a big shin-dig for Canada Day or Independence Day? If so, consider some of these make-ahead food ideas for July entertaining. Making some of the food up to a week before the big day will enable you to relax and enjoy yourself. Begin by creating a budget for your event. Choose which…

How to Plan Homemade Edible Gifts from the Homestead
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How to Plan Homemade Edible Gifts from the Homestead

Are you looking for a new way to show your appreciation and gratitude this holiday season? Are you looking to give gifts this year that are special and focus on giving rather than materialism? Are you ready to show off your newfound talents or hobbies you have learned during lockdown? Maybe you’ve become an expert…

Fudge Nut Cookies

Fudge Nut Cookies

Are you looking to try something a little different in your cookie selection this year? Try these yummy, chocolatey, cookies so full of fudgey goodness packed with protein as well. These are one of our family favorites! Fudge Nut Cookies 1 2/3 cup sugar 2/3 cup butter 2 eggs 1 cup cottage cheese 2 tsp …