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Top 10 Favorite Resources from the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle 2020

These are my top 10 favorite resources from the bundle but there are so many amazing products it was really hard to narrow it down to just the 10 best. Quick Start Guide to Water Bath Canning (ebook) Learn to water bath can jam, jelly, pie filling, salsa, pickles, and more! Garden Harvest Recipes: A…

Easy, Natural Ways You Can Clean Your Home
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Easy, Natural Ways You Can Clean Your Home

Everyone wants to have a clean home, but if you are looking to live a more natural and holistic life on your homestead, it might be time to switch to natural cleaners. Commercial cleaning products are often filled with chemicals and additives that don’t help clean your home any better and contain unnecessary ingredients. Here…

Plans for 2020
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Plans for 2020

Well January is here and there are plans to be made. Plans for the garden, plans for the homestead, plans for this website, plans for my family… I love January and its clean slate of new plans, don’t you? But first, a little look back on the past. If you follow me on Instagram, you…

3 Easy Ways to Extend Your Vegetable Growing Season
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3 Easy Ways to Extend Your Vegetable Growing Season

If you live in an area with distinct seasons like I do, there are natural limitations to when you can grow vegetables outdoors. In the spring, you have to wait until the threat of frost has passed and soil temperatures reach acceptable levels. Then, before you know it, shorter days and cooler temps will return…

How to Dye your Easter Eggs Naturally
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How to Dye your Easter Eggs Naturally

Easter egg dying is a tradition in many households. It’s a fun and creative craft that the whole family can enjoy. And depending on how you cook your eggs, they can be enjoyed for days as both a decoration and a snack. Instead of using artificial colors and chemical dyes this year for your Easter…

When you feel like a Failure as a Homesteader
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When you feel like a Failure as a Homesteader

Failure is such a harsh word, isn’t it? But, sometimes it feels like we are failures at this whole homesteading thing. Just this past year we have struggled with: A garden that was, shall we say, severely lacking in real vegetable growth. Losing most of our outdoor animals. We lost our ducks and then most…

Smart Ways of Using Aromatherapy Essential Oils in Your Home
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Smart Ways of Using Aromatherapy Essential Oils in Your Home

Aromatherapy oils are oils that are created from natural elements. They’re also called essential oils. They range from lavender to grapefruit and everything in between. Aromatherapy or essential oils offer a number of therapeutic benefits, cleaning help and even health benefits.  Here Are Nine Smart Ways of Using Aromatherapy Oils in Your Home #1 Water…

Simple, Frugal and Easy Holiday Homestead Decorating Ideas
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Simple, Frugal and Easy Holiday Homestead Decorating Ideas

Decorating for the holidays is one of my favourite times of the year and often one of events people most look forward to. There’s just something special about the twinkling lights, the smell of pine in the air and the festivity. If you’re tired of fancy decorations or want to take your holiday decorating in…