Teach Important Skills with a Summer Scavenger Hunt
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Teach Important Skills with a Summer Scavenger Hunt

A summer scavenger hunt is not only fun, they’re educational, too! It’s easy to get creative to make up your own, or modify any of these to make it fit for your area and the age of your child. For older ones you will want to make it harder and for younger children make it…

What are Essential Oils and how can I use them around the homestead?
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What are Essential Oils and how can I use them around the homestead?

Maybe you have heard the term “essential oils” but didn’t know what was meant by it. Perhaps you had a vague idea that it was connected in some way with aromatherapy, but didn’t know how. Now is as good a time as any to learn what essential oils are. What Are Essential Oils? Essential oils…

Living the Homestead Life ~ A Homesteading Story

Living the Homestead Life ~ A Homesteading Story

Hi there! Today I’m sharing something a little different, someone else’s homestead story. I myself love reading or hearing about others’ homestead lives so I thought you might enjoy this as well. Modern Homesteading – Lessons Learned So Far (Part I) By: Victoria Gazeley This rural living gig is still fairly new to us. We’ve…

Life around the Homestead: A Winter Homestead Video Tour
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Life around the Homestead: A Winter Homestead Video Tour

Life around our little homestead has been busy, to say the least! I had planned to share this updated video tour of our homestead awhile ago, but then Christmas and New Years chaos ensued, so the sharing of this tour just didn’t happen until now. I planned to share this updated video tour of our homestead…

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Mini Kitchen Refresh

Last week I was telling you I went a little paint crazy so today I’m going to share the other room I went paint crazy on. Well maybe not crazy but refreshing. This kitchen is going to take awhile to get to my “ideal kitchen” as  I’m working with a very limited budget, but I…

My First Attempt at Freezer Cooking
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My First Attempt at Freezer Cooking

This post contains affiliate links. This past month I tried out freezer cooking. You may be asking, “What is freezer cooking?”  Well, it is making a bunch of meals at one time in order to freeze them for a later date when you are too busy to cook. I should say for me it means…

In the Homestead Garden ~ August 2016
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In the Homestead Garden ~ August 2016

Do you enjoy looking at homestead gardens for inspiration? I know I sure do and so I like to share my own homestead garden tour to hopefully inspire and encourage you! It’s harvest time around here for sure and I was out in the garden taking some photos when I realized it’s time for a…